• Tragic end to a misunderstood life. One wonders if she ever knew any true happiness. Today is the anniversary of her death, and for some reason ( without knowledge of this ) I felt compelled to google her name. Strange ?????

    October 16, 2009
  • I am doing a report on her. A biography and personality based views. Then I have to dress up like her and wear the outfit to school… And even act like her.

    October 20, 2009
  • Intereseting I bought my Marie Antoinette costume the day of her death, I never really knew of her ’til today.

    October 20, 2009
  • im reading one of her books and i eay its good.

    October 22, 2009
  • Marie Antoinette was not the Empress’ favourite daughter. In fact, she was often neglected by Maria Theresa, and described her relationship with her mother as one of “awe-inspired fear.” Marie’s older sister, Marie Christina was the favourite, and because of this Marie Antoinette disliked and mistrusted intelligent, older women.

    October 23, 2009
  • RE: joanna

    yea, I read about it too; regarding Marie, in fact, was the least favourite. Therefore, she was being selected to get married to the Prince of France… so which is true?

    October 26, 2009
  • myrrhine


    It is not true that she was selected to marry a Prince of France because she was least favourite. Marie Therese made a point of marrying her daughters well and at that time marrying into the House of Bourbon was incredibly pretigious. It is true however that Marie Antoinette was not her mother’s favourite and the article has been amended accordingly.

    October 26, 2009
  • catwoman59


    Just saw the horrible premier of “Marie Antoinette” on Lifetime last night. If it weren’t for the amazing scenery and period costumes I wouldn’t have bothered; it really was that bad! Just the same, I find I’m now as fascinated by Marie as by any of King Henry’s wives. I would appreciate any recommendations as to good biographies of Marie that aren’t mind-numbingly detailed as to the political situation of her day but still give a faithful account.

    October 27, 2009
  • This poor girl had an unfortunate upbringing with a Mother who attempted to ‘do right’ by her and marry her off to a would be King who I assumed was Gay by the way he was supposedly around her and all but ignored her advances to him. He did very little to nothing at all in the end to come to his wife’s aid and attempt to ‘stick up for her’ for lack of a better terminology and in the end she met with such a sad, tortured, ridiculed and obscene death, I can’t help but compare her life, torture and end to that of Jesus Christ’s the way her ‘own people’ turned on her and wanted her killed as did Jesus’s people turned on him.
    Obviously she’s in no way to be compared to that of the Son of God, but if you think about it — their lives, death and the turmoil that surrounded their lives and how people befriended them both seems to be comparible I think you’ll agree.
    May God have mercy on her soul for at least she is now at peace now, one would hope!
    I never realized how much of a twisted, ridiculed and tortured life this poor woman had to endure as a “QUEEN” of a country. If this is a Queen’s Life, I’m glad I’m a nobody thank you very much!

    October 27, 2009
  • yeah it is sad but she is stuck-up though she didn’t care for nobody but herself. thats wat i think but like everybody says there are two- sides to every story.

    October 27, 2009
  • Re vicki:
    Don’t be stupid- “she is stuck-up”! please… How the hell can you have an opinion on someone who you’ve never met?!?! It’s just dumb. And Jeannie don’t compare the way she died to Jesus… you don’t even REALLY know if Jesus existed… the stories about him were written hundreds of years after he was supposed to have lived!!! For all anyone knows it could just be a STORY!!!
    – p.s: really like the article- whether its factual or not it’s a good read.

    October 31, 2009
  • AB

    Re Sue

    Antonia Fraser’s biography ‘Marie Antoinette: The Journey’ is well recommended. A superb writer who presents the subject “in the round”.

    November 03, 2009
  • Marie was a child forced into a marriage not of her choice. She was held to public ridicule, and branded a whore by gossip. I admire her courage and stamina to bare it. She died holding her head high ( no pun intended ) just like the Queen she was. To all of you making negative remarks of her should do a little more research. Louis was a pussy!

    November 03, 2009
  • By the way I do agree with Jacqui. Except Marie is real and Jesus is not.

    November 03, 2009
  • I feel bad for the poor girl! I mean, if i had a husband who ignored me and all that like her, I’d probably do the same thing!!

    November 03, 2009
  • Same here. She went though a lot a lot of ridicule. By the way, Ms. America, how the hell do you know that Jesus is not real, huh? It could be possible.

    November 08, 2009
  • Re Ms. America:
    P.S. Im not saying that he is, but do you really know whether he really existed or not? What Vicky wrote was totally stupid though, comparing Marie to Jesus.

    November 08, 2009
  • I think it’s terrible and sad that her life ended the way it did. however I can understand how the common folk came to place blame on her. Once somebody starts rumors and saying things like the whole orgy and “let them eat cake” thing you just get that “crowd of sheep” affect.

    November 09, 2009
  • I’m doing a biography of Marie Antoinette in school and i was very shocked how her life ended! I think her life if really interesting and i’m glad i have knowledge about her now!

    November 10, 2009
  • catwoman59


    Thanks AB for the recommendation. I’d seen some negative reviews of her book but as I already have her “The Wives of Henry VIII” I think this would be a good read as well. Thanks again! 🙂

    November 11, 2009
  • one: who cares if jesus is or is not real that has nothing to do with the life of marie antionette
    two: how can you tell that marie was stuck up YOU HAVE NEVER MET HER!!!!!!!!
    three:I have read Marie Antoinette: the journey It was so good i totally recomend it

    November 12, 2009
  • I had to do a report on her but I find her life so fascinating(though it’s tragic) it didn’t feel like a report I’m so glad I picked her as a topic.

    November 15, 2009
  • I am fascinated by the story of Marie Antoinette. While she is best remembered wearing the huge court panniers and high dressed hair of the mid 18th century, she atually seemed to favor a simpler life as she grew older. She introduced the muslin dress, retreated to the quiet unregimented life of Petit Trianon and spent more time with her children that most monarchs of her era. She was generous and kind, according to most accounts. Revolutionaries discredited her with false rumors in widely distributed pamphlets. Remarkably, those rumors exist even today.

    I don’t know why I feel such a loyalty to this long-ago queen. A few years ago I went to a psychic for regression hypnotism, expecting to go back to 18th century France. I was suprised not to go there — it seems my past lives were lived in other times – there was nothing that surfaced about the French Revolution, even though that is the point in history that I have studied most fervently. Go figure!

    For some odd reason, I have this desire that the public take the time to understand Marie Antoinette. I wish there were ways to prove how devout she was as a royal, a wife, a mother, and a Catholic. People have said she’s ‘stuck up’ but for heaven’s sake, she was a Queen. They are different from you and me. Look at today’s Queen Elizabeth. She’s modern but she’s the Queen! When Princess Diana came on the scene, I had this feeling that she was the reincarnation of Marie Antoinette. The way she doted on her kids, led fashion and became the people’s princess seemed like Marie Antoinette Deja Vu. The absentee husband, out hunting….the abiding and very public love for her children, the waxing and waning love of the public…it all seemed strangely familiar. And sure enough, Princess Diana died in Paris in her 30s, like Marie Antoinette, in a very public place, in a public spectacle, hounded by the paparazzi as Marie Antoinette was hounded by the revolutionaries. The parallels are probably even stronger if someone were to really investigate it.

    I am grateful for this site and the opportunity to further explore the life of the enigmatic and beautiful Marie Antoinette. Keep up the good work.

    November 17, 2009
  • i have to do a report for world history. it’s a hall of fame or hall of shame poster and we had to choose someone of signifigance during the french revolution. i decided to do the poster on her….hall of shame. why shameful yuu ask? she contributed to France’s debt for her outrageous fashions.

    November 18, 2009
  • Marie Antoinette’s reputation was one of the many victims of the French Revolution. It is RIDICULOUS to assume that she contributed significantly to France’s debt. France’s money problems are better attributed to Louis XIV, the so called “Sun King” who built Versailles. Marie Antoinette was a charming, talented, and kind girl. She never said “Let them eat cake.” This comment is believed to have been made by a certain Marie Therese, the Spanish wife of Louis XIV. As for the lack of activity in the bedroom, Louis XVI was not gay. He suffered from phimosis, a condition that made it extremely painful for him to become aroused. Calling Marie Antoinette “stuck up” is really a stretch. She cared for her friends, her family, and her people. She attended charity benefits and did what she could to provide aid where it was needed. Unfortunately revolutionaries latched on to the opulent image she represented, and no amount of charity would have satiated them. Her actions in youth may have been unwise, but I do not believe she ever meant any harm to anyone.

    November 21, 2009
  • I don’t think french’s debt is entirely her fault I mean yes she spent lots of money but her husbend and father in law were the ones who first started France’s debt. Marie’s contribution to it is just more noticable.

    November 21, 2009
  • i feel disgusted about the whole french revolution.
    i can understand that the people wanted to abolish the monarchy for a reason or another but there was no need to tourture and kill the monarchy in such a gruesome way.
    italy’s monarch exiled somewhere else in europe.. they didnt get decapitated!!
    i am appaled by the way the whole of france treated their king and queen!
    last yeari went to versailles and the tour guide barely mentioned marie anotinette.. just saying she was a spoiled self centered queen with many vices and lack of empathy for her people. so thats exactly how many french people feel about her to this day.
    shame on france and its ignorance!!

    November 24, 2009
  • French woman disgust me!!!
    Its a very sad situation…. though i don’t think it’s all her fault….

    December 02, 2009
  • im doing a report on her for notable people in history i have to write a paper make a soap bottle doll,have fact cards,a timeline,bio poem,fact sheet,pictures and dress up like her!!

    NO KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    December 06, 2009
  • I have to write a paper of her and act like im her friend and like i was there. any ideas?

    December 10, 2009
  • The life of Marie Antoinette was the stuff of dreams? Poetic, your talking about the last female monarch of France, come on now.

    December 14, 2009
  • I really admire her although her life was really tragic, I wish I could have met her or prevented Louis XVI and her horrible death *cry* after I read a book about her I literally started to cry, it just touched me. The first time I ever cried over a book…

    December 19, 2009
  • 2011bookreviews – Australia – I am doing a challenge for 2011 where I read 100 books in the year. After I finish each book I am going to write a review.


    I really admire Marie Antoinette despite her life being so tragic. When I first learnt of her I cried to learn of her horrid death but I still admired her for not conforming to the typical acts of Queen.

    December 20, 2009
  • It is tragic that people can still be so simple minded about things they know nothing about. Marie Antoinette was a very young child thrust ino a woman’s position at the age of 15. Her life was spent away from family and without Love and understanding except for a few close friends. It amazes me how rumors and jealousy could be the downfall of humans even then. Her death was a great tragedy and she never got the respect she deserved as the Queen. It’s sad that she was treated with such little respect even as she was put to death. I watched the movie and have been deeply moved by her life. I’m glad I am not royality because if it’s anything like her life I’d rather stay poor and simple.

    December 26, 2009
  • It’s so sad. She was misunderstood and all of the blame for the mismanagement of funds was placed upon her. Not to mention her indecisive husband who didn’t really help much to clear her name or correct the rumors flying around about her. The saddest part though, I think is that out of four children, they all died before reaching adulthood. Being royalty is obviously not all it’s cracked up to be. I:m so glad I wasn’t in her position. She was basically put in a lose-lose situation. So sad. 🙁 R.I.P. Marie Antoinette. One positive though, she did change the fashions in the time for the better. 🙂

    January 01, 2010
  • I have heard she was married at 14 and also at 15 which one is true?

    January 04, 2010
  • myrrhine


    Well she was born in November 1755, her ceremonial marriage took place in May 1770 (she had already been married by proxy in April) making her 14 at the time of her marriage.

    January 04, 2010
  • Thanks

    January 05, 2010
  • She is very interesting indeed. However, I find it more interesting that some are saying Jesus wasn’t real. Really? I understand that some are not Christian so it is possible to debate whether or not he is the Son of God. But to question if he was a real man? There is scientific proof that he existed. There are records(anyone questioning if Pilate or Tiberius Caesar was real?), take the time to so some research before spouting off and pretending that you are knowledgable about a subject that you apparently are not.

    January 06, 2010
  • myrrhine


    Can we please keep the discussion here on topic and move on from a discussion of Jesus. There are many blogs and forums where you can discuss a) his reality and b) his divinity. This is not one of them. Any further comments on this will be edited and/or deleted.


    January 06, 2010
  • grow2407 – www.robgrow.com


    We all … ALL … have faults! The true measure of ones character is how we handle ourselves in defeat. Both Louis and Marie were brave, and deserve credit for their actions at the end (I can only imagine … think of it!). For this I say … Viva Louis … Viva Marie!

    January 06, 2010
  • This is so sad…Yeah, she spent alot of money but did she ENTIRELY put France into debt? I think not.

    January 07, 2010
  • It was the American Revolution which Louis was convinced to assist, that bankrupted the French Vault, as well as the cortesiers wanting their piece of the pie. Marie did as she was bred and married to do.

    No person deserves the despicable treatment that she and her poor children received, esp. someone who did not heap any harm or ill will on mankind.
    Despite the brainwashing of her son , the dauphin, who he was dragged away from her kicking and screaming for weeks on end, and was induced to evoke acccusations of sexual abuse supposedly perpetrated by her and her sister-in-law , Marie Antoinette never gave up on him and defended him to her daughter to the bitter end.
    This was one of the alleged “straws” that led to her guilty verdict, though it is doubtful that anyone would believe in their hearts that this Queen Mother would desecrate her son this way-given her secret enchantment with the Alex Ferson, but that is what the Consul would have like societe to believe. Guess what, only the angry mob likely believed that. Even her humble wig makers and prison servants paid with their lives to try to save her.
    Maybe that is why the French hate us (we caused the French Revoution-not)

    January 07, 2010
  • It wasn’t that Louis didn’t like her, they were just children when forced to be married. #1 they were to young to have sex #2 Louis needed a small surgical procedure before he could have sex. #3 For the most part of her life Marie thought that her life was the way it was suppose to be, she had little knowledge of starving french and by the time she realized it was to late! #4 She and her children should have escaped sooner. Poor marie. Her abuse, torture and death should not have been allowed to happen. Shame on you french fishwives!

    January 12, 2010
  • I have myself wondering, do todays french citizen’s feel any shame for having murdered their own king and queen or do the french still hate these people? Tears fall down my face reading marie’s story especially when we get to the part when the little daupin prince died of neglect in a dark, dank & sqaulid prison all alone. Gross! I would not want that on my conscience.

    January 12, 2010
  • I’m doing a report on herin school and all this info really helped me. We have to dress up like her and then sit for like an hour like in a wax musem.

    January 12, 2010
  • Eva

    It’s so sad that she so fully ruined he own life like that. She probably had potential to be a great queen and wife and friend.

    January 19, 2010
  • i do admit, Marie Antoinette’s story is the most intruiging of all the royal scandals of the time. she just wasn’t understood at all. all people thought of her was some selfish, self-centered Queen who didnt care about anyone else. yes, maybe she didn’t really benefit the country of France, but she was the most glamorous of all Queens. i admire her and the way she lived, but i wouldn’t want to be her.

    p.s. any reccomendations for books?

    January 22, 2010
  • myrrhine


    Hi Sophia-Marie, thanks for your comment. There are lots of book recommendations and comments you can check out in the forum: http://forum.marie-antoinette.org/viewforum.php?f=11

    January 22, 2010
  • Has anyone in the French government been beheaded for debt problems
    since Marie Antoinette…..? I THINK NOT? How absurd that they
    would hold this women who was brought into this royal position it
    was not her choosing and held responsible for an entire countries
    debt…and to think what was done to her children through this
    entire episode….it just seems demonic. The US is in deep debt
    and the country is imploding in on itself and have we beheaded
    anyone ( I am sure we could pick out a few deserving people) but
    we have enough compassion for the human frailties that we forgive
    and move on with the business at hand. Killing does not end wars,
    and hunger and debt!

    January 27, 2010

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